Take control of your life

Self learning, the ultimate empowerment. Video tutorials giving you tools on how YOU can get a head start in your life.

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Short video tutorials showing you the tools which will save your money, your energy, and more importantly your precious time.

You will be made more aware of the Hidden things you are using daily that could be compromising your health long term. Empower yourself by learning these tools early in your life. The content of these tutorials comes from a place of love, from a real Mum with an ordinary life.

To your success! Your net mum.



You work hard, get paid, yet at the end of the week, there is very little left. Would you want to change this? You can, yes you absolutely can. I respect your time, that’s why I have done short videos giving you some basic tools that help take a look at where your money is flowing in your life. Making time to do this simple exercise is really beneficial, too– it raises your awareness of your spending habits. You may find a lot of your money is going on eating out. The great thing is, I have some super quick homemade lunches you can take on the run without having to keep paying café prices to free up some cash. This section could be great for you and your partner to sit down and do this process together so you are on the same page about what you want to achieve financially in a positive way.
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It is a part of our everyday life. But it needn’t be slowly corrosively compromising your mental and physical health every day. There are so many tools available to help you minimise stress. One of my favourite sayings is “luck favours the prepared”, and often if we are racing around on the double getting that “to-do list done”, it can be stressful - even if you're getting things done. If we are prepared, then we are saving time, which takes the pressure off us and that is a great stress relief. An example of preparation is taking the “time” to plan out your day, your meals, food shopping, work, life to give you the feeling of self-empowerment in your life - taking control of what you can control. Writing lists either the night before or getting up super early like 5am, which is what I like to do. It may sound early but there are no interruptions and it's a good clear head thinking time. I got close to burnout and the things in the self-care section is what I did to recharge.
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Sleep; the most underrated revitaliser we have. If you are suffering from insomnia, you are not feeling rested. We make mistakes when we are tired - at work, on the road, and in decision making and it can affect our mental health and sense of empowerment. Your evening routine is important to reduce insomnia. There is nothing more satisfying than getting out of bed knowing you have slept well. You feel alert, refreshed and ready to take on anything life throws at you. Your body is cleaning and working on the inside while you sleep, and not giving your body the time to do this compromises your health - both mental and physical. A power nap is a secret elixir and will keep you looking and feeling younger, anytime between 10 am and 2 pm is ideal, any later and that nap has compromised your evening sleep. Having boundaries around technology and when to switch off is a positive way to affect the quality of your sleep
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If there is one word that springs to mind about looking after yourself and self-care. It's boundaries. In particular work, computer time, food, alcohol, movies, cell phones, everything we do day-to-day. It's healthy to put some boundaries in place for yourself to achieve healthy self-care and positive mental health. Here are some examples: I will watch movies only 3 days a week, I will eat my favourite treat food Friday and Saturday nights, I will say no to social evenings with friends and family this week so I can have an early night. I will keep one day a week completely clear in my diary - just for me. Then you can go and spoil yourself with whatever you are needing that day. In this fast-paced world, often it can be as simple as venturing out into nature and feeling free. Taking control of your life is self-empowerment at its best.
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Every single one of us goes home at some point or another. It is our own private place that can be anything we want it to be. The quote that gets me every time is: Aristotle Quote: “We are the sum of our actions, and therefore our habits make all the difference.” Do you hang your keys? Do you put the rubbish out? Do you bother with the dishes? Have you ever washed a whole bunch of clothes to find they have got messed up with the dirty clothes in your room and now you're not sure which are clean and which are dirty, wasting your precious time and giving you twice the work? 30 years of experience running a home, business and bringing up kids gives you some good life tips that are worth sharing.
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This is not a cooking show. This is about helping our earth every day by being mindful about what is in our fridge, how you store your food so it lasts longer, how to avoid food waste at home, how to use an oven, care for your wok and so many more tips. I have come up with the quickest meals to make - for each day of the week, 7 x breakfast, lunches, dinners and soups. How to pull a healthy meal together in minutes with my very own "go-to food" that I have been making for years. I promise you, this section will save you money and time to let you achieve other things.
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